Welcome to Vantaa City Library’s game website!

If you came here to check our Interactive Stories Workshops’ material database, you can find it from here:
Currently the workshop materials are only in Finnish, but you can still download our project artist Malin Ek’s visual novel picture database in .zip format. You can use those pictures when making your own visual novel games or to hold Interactive Stories Workshops, just remember that the rights for the pictures are owned by Vantaa City Library and that you can’t use the pictures for commercial use.
We also recommend you to try playing our workshop participant Anniina Kafka’s visual novel games. Below you can download both games. They are both in English.
You can download them for computer (PC, Mac, Linux -> zip.file). After downloading, extract the zip. To start the game, just press the game name.exe -file.
and for Android devices (-> apk.file)
Fallen Angel
An angel named Tenshi has fallen from grace with the Circle of Spirits and she has been cast out.
She must find herself again, and decide on how to bring out her revenge.
There are two possible endings.
Fallen Angel (apk)
Fallen Angel (zip)
The Boy and The Demon
Hirato Akichi is a normal student attending High School in RokuCity. Graduation is just around the corner and everything seems to be fine, until a strange boy, calling himself ‘Akuma’, appears claiming to be a demon sent to destroy the world. But he says he needs Hirato’s help to do it.
During the game the player has to make decisions on how to react to situations as they arise, and based on those decisions the outcome of the game will change. The ending will be different depending on the types of answers chosen.
There are a total of 7 possible endings in the game.